The front page of this site continues to get a fair amount of traffic, so I thought I'd update things a little and point people interested in animal issues towards what I regard as being the more important ones posted here on Animal Crackers.
I put together a short, annotated list of the posts which I believe (or at least hope) will be of value to those wanting to know things the Animal Rights (AR) people don't want them to know, and how AR differs from Animal Welfare (AW).
If your appetite is whetted and you want to learn more, I encourage you to visit any of the posts I've listed below, and/or to use the Google search function in the left column.
Animal Rights: Its ideology, logic and how AR differs from Animal Welfare.
1. AR vs AW: A Zookeeper's Perspective. (The title says it all -- if you read this, you'll understand the single most important thing about Animal Rights: its ideology. AR is not, repeat NOT, simply AW on steroids. Note, too, the bit at the end of the post on spaying and neutering. AR people cannot reconcile the contradiction.)
2. Steven Best: His "Me First" Ethic. (An example of where AR logic has taken Professor Steven Best.)
3. Janet Tomlinson -- Josh Harper's Soul Mate. (Another example of the "Me First" ethic. A person who stands firmly against the use of animals in biomedical research accepts medical treatment that she would deprive others of.)
4. Animal Rights: The Human Face of its Core Principle. (This post points out where the AR logic takes you. I'm shocked! Shocked!.)
5. Vlasak's Rhetoric — Audio. (You can listen to a prominent Animal Rights zealot, a former member of the PeTA affiliated Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and self-appointed spokesman for the ALF, defending the murder of scientists to further the AR agenda. The audio was sent to me (and blogger Brian Carnell) anonymously after several MSM outlets had shown no interest in it. Dr. Vlasak's words came back to haunt him during a Senate hearing on domestic terrorism.)
6. Lobsters, Plant Pain and Plant Rights. (Yup! Why not?)
7. Reply to Peter Tatchell's: "Why Animal Research is Bad Science". (Some things about animal based research the Animal Rights people don't want you to know.)
PeTA. Who are they? What do they stand for? How do they seek to accomplish their goals?
1. PeTA: Indoctrinating Kids, Encouraging Harrassment, Exploiting Staged Brutality (The title says it all.)
2. An ACLU Complaint: The Feds Are Investigating PeTA (All you ever wanted to know about PeTA's connections with unsavory types . . .)
3. PeTA Actively Kills Thousands of Animals. No! Really!. (These numbers are dated. You can find more current information here.)
Animal Rights Success and how they achieved it.
1. NYSE Attempts to Appease AR Extremists (Scary stuff -- how AR radicals intimidated Catherine Kinney, President of the New York Stock Exchange, into doing their bidding. The implications are chilling, not least because by caving, Kinney provided incentive for all terrorist organization's to duplicate the AR feat.)
2. Animal Rights Terrorists Escalate in UK. (AR extremists have perfected the technique of "tertiary targeting." Here's an example. Sadly, the tactics ultimately proved successful.)